Welcome to my guest book

Dear friends, I hope that what I have shared encourages and inspires those who have had a stroke or for those who's loved ones have suffered seeing someone suffer a life changing event. My experience is that Life is different is different after stroke, but, can be just as fulfilling as before my hope is that your new lives will be as fulfilling as mine.

Written by Diane herczeg on 28. Dec, 2012

Eddie, thank you so much for writing your story. I also had my stroke on an airplane ride from London to the US. I was alone and spent the 8 hour flight, as sick as a dog, on the flight. I couldn't speak, which made my 4 months in hospital really frustrating. It is amazing what people will say in front of you when you can't speak! Take care.




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29.01 | 10:30

Very inspiring

27.01 | 07:33

I can see a rapid improvement as I scroll through these E...

09.09 | 04:40

Thanks for the post, great tips and information which is useful for all. ht...

16.08 | 05:19

Nice article.Really you write wonderful stuff. Your post looks great. Tha...