Before my stroke, I led an active life, I loved the outdoors especially the winter, I owned a small caravan in Derbyshire where I spent many weekends exploring the Peak district, I also traveled to the Lake District, Scotland and camped on or above the snow line. I’ve also enjoyed skiing and snowshoe walking in the French Alps, Austria, and Andorra, however, I must admit though that I was a poor skier but still enjoyed the thrill.
February the 6th 2011 my former life was turned upside down with a poor prognosis of not being able to lead my former life again.
However, I am a stubborn man and I wouldn’t allow myself to lie down so I accept that my disabilities wouldnt stop me from creating challenging goals or stop taking risks. Don’t get me wrong I am not careless, I risk assess everything that I plan to do, after all, I use a power chair when out and about.
I hope that enjoy this section as much as I did (and still do) making it.
Setting of to a 4 day respite break at Kielders Calvert Trust Center
Bouldering, the instructors are very qualified to work with all sorts of disabilities
Bouldering on hands and knees
Made it
One of the good thing about the Calvert Trust is being able to make new friends.
So meet John a fellow stroke survivor.
Robin Hood
I am fortunate that all my limbs work although I have global weakness especially my lower body.
A spot of climbing
This looks good, you wouldn't think anything is wrong with me, the truth is I had an instructor heaving me up by rope and another guiding my legs.
I have no power to pull myself up so I'm grateful for all help.
Climbing and my knees are trembling.
The aim instructors is to support clients to succeed in any activity they take part in.
Made it
Absolutely shatered
The 'King Swing
Straight after the climbing wall we were encouraged to go on the King swing, after being harnessed securely we were pulled up to half way mark to give us an idea of whats its like, at this point you can choose not to go from full height. Guess what, yes I chose the full height after all, John did it so I didn't dare bottle out. The full height is as tall as a lamp post and you had to release yourself by pulling a rip cord, you may notice that my first pull failed. NEVER AGAIN
Latest comments
29.01 | 10:30
Very inspiring
27.01 | 07:33
I can see a rapid improvement as I scroll through these E...
09.09 | 04:40
Thanks for the post, great tips and information which is useful for all. ht...
16.08 | 05:19
Nice article.Really you write wonderful stuff. Your post looks great. Tha...